Equitix Management Services
At fund level, this started with the development of an enhanced responsible and sustainable investment policy framework establishing key considerations and processes throughout the investment lifecycle to capture risks and opportunities. To be truly effective, Equitix’s fund policy could not exist in isolation to ‘on the ground’ activity associated with the day-to-day operations of projects. Therefore, Equitix and EMS designed project-specific policies, as well as standardised sustainability-related wording reflecting the aims and objectives of Equitix’s funds.
Demonstrating the success of implementing the sustainability policy framework, a cross-business effort has contributed to a tangible range of workstreams that deliver benefits across the board.
The delivery of these workstreams has been materially supported by establishing a framework that articulates what matters to the fiduciary management of institutional investor capital at fund level and how this can be reflected in project-level activities.
Looking ahead, the team plan to continue building on this success through the provision of feedback sessions to communicate key trends, challenges, and areas for ongoing improvement across the portfolio.